We parents went through COVID hell ... and all we got were these lousy test scores

The price for suggesting schools should stay open was heavy. Parents like me who advocated for our children to be in school and continue normal education days were accused of being murderous villains – granny killers! We are called Nazis, treated like toothless morons, and silenced. School boards across the country began making concerted efforts to tamp down questions and concerns from parents. They were taking their orders from the unions, and the unions had anything but our children in mind.


But we did. We parents screamed and shouted. We were personal witnesses to the absurdity of “zoom schooling.” We understood our children could not possibly keep up academically under such circumstances. We understood our children needed the community of their peers and even their teachers. We stood by helplessly as many our children sunk into isolation, depression and apathy. It was brutal. …

Naturally, when our arguments began to gain steam, the progressive left and their union overlords accused us of racism. It didn’t matter that a Black parent like me was concerned for my child, I was still racist. Why?


[“Shut up,” they argued. The Science® said so, even when actual science said the opposite. The only rational point of the entire exercise, to the extent that it had one, was to demonstrate the combined power of government, technology, and media to ruin our lives. — Ed]

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