In honor of the widening fronts in the war against “climate change,” takes pride to announce that the remainder of this month will be devoted to further analysis and refutation of this malicious hoax, which feeds off irrational fear in order to impose severe lifestyle restrictions on the people of the West — who, after all, created the technology that has made our current prosperity possible. Such prosperity, however, is intolerable to the philosophical and lineal descendants of the Frankfurt School, who have made it their mission since the end of World War II to dismantle the Greco-Roman/Judeo-Christian first world and force the rest of the planet to return to to ignorance, superstition, and savagery.
Having failed to destroy us with the Covid Hoax (even the loathsome Facebook nazis have given up on it), the Left has now moved “climate change” front and center as the international left’s preferred soul-sapping means of destruction. Based on the small (in the cosmic scheme of things), 140-year-old sample of randomly gathered temperature data, jealous and vengeful cultural Marxists have decided to extrapolate from cherry-picked, manipulated, and massaged data to convince a gullible and trusting public that the world is coming to an end any day now, unless we act now. Like sleazy used-care salesman, they employ scare and pressure tactics in order to get you to work against your own best, self-preservative instincts and willingly destroy infrastructure, cripple food production, kill sea life, and incinerate forests.
[I think they’re too late. Today’s the day that Greta Thunberg predicted five years ago that humanity would be wiped out unless we adopted her teenage hysteria and attention-seeking agenda. Those few of us who managed to survive the Population Bomb in the 1970s-80s and the mass die-off of the end of Net Neutrality a few years ago are doomed, DOOMED, she said!
Does anyone sense a pattern with Leftists? — Ed]
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