The president of the HRC, Kelley Robinson, is unable to answer whether there is a difference between women and men.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) June 21, 2023
Cruz: I’m just asking is there a difference between women and men?
Robinson: I mean, what I can say here is the NCAA has rules in place, they’ve had rules in place for the last decade, and when this competition [CROSSTALK] the rules were clear.
Cruz: Okay, I’m gonna try again. Do you believe there’s a difference between women and men? It’s a yes-no question, do you believe there’s a difference?
Robinson: I think that we’re talking about this case with the NCAA-
Cruz: No, I’m asking a question: Do you believe there’s a difference between women and men? Most people could answer this very simply, I’m curious if you’re willing to do so.
Robinson: Oh absolutely, I’m just putting into the context of the conversation that we’re having.
Cruz: Is that a yes?
Robinson: I think that there are definitions related to sex, but I also think that there are-
Cruz: I’m just trying to get a yes or no, I’m not trying to get a speech. Is there a difference between women and men?
Robinson: I think that there are definitions for biological sex which is different from gender.
(transcript via Mediaite)
[Robinson never answers the question. She then avoids the Cruz’ obvious follow-up question: if the HRC won’t acknowledge a difference between women and men, why have women’s sports at all? Watch the whole clip, which is a delicious example of Cruz’ skill at interrogation as well as the Human Rights Campaign’s utter vacuousness and intellectual bankruptcy on this point. They are the intellectual equivalent of the Flat Earth Society, only without any of its charm. — Ed]
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