The Global Free Speech Alliance is what’s required to stop censorship. Whether it’s called stopping mis- and disinformation, stopping hate speech or something else, the truth is simple. These categories of speech aren’t increasing.
The U.N. published this dishonest article on the subject. High atop the U.N. article, it states “With hate spreading lightning fast on social media and ‘mega spreaders’ using divisive rhetoric to inspire thousands, the United Nations is calling for concerted global efforts to combat hate speech.” The obvious first question is simple. Who determines the definition of hate speech,disinformation and misinformation? Do these people have agendas, as I suspect they do? If they have an agenda, why should I trust them? At this point, let free speech roll. I don’t need a determiner or a moderator. Just give me the opportunity to succeed or fail on the merits. If I fail, I’ll chalk it up to survival of the fittest. If I win, I’ll attribute it to me being well-prepared. That’s all I ask for.
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