Liberal media's love affair with Michael Cohen can't cover his lying, thuggish ways

Michael Cohen was long known as the “fixer” for former President Trump — a legal thug who threatened students, journalists, and others on behalf of his former client.


While his loyalties have shifted with his fortunes, the one constant element in his career has been an utter disregard for the truth and a remarkable moral flexibility. The media now gushed over Cohen, a lawyer it once (rightfully despised) because he has become a Trump critic.

The one person, however, not falling for Cohen’s shtick is US District Judge Jesse M. Furman. Cohen came before Furman to ask for early release from his probation late last week and Furman refused. Prosecutors suggested that Cohen should try to stop lying before coming before the Court. Furman agreed and ruled that it would be better for everyone to keep Cohen under the supervision of the criminal justice system.

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