The most urgent concerns Father Rupnik’s status as a priest. He remains one, of course. Dismissal from a religious order does not laicize a priest. Canonically, though, he is not able to function as a priest unless his faculties and ministerial duties are first approved by a bishop receiving him into a diocese and acting as his superior.
It is to be hoped, but is by no means a sure bet, that Father Rupnik — credibly accused of spiritual, psychological or sexual abuse of two dozen women and at least one man — will not be enabled to work as a priest by any responsible bishop. The headstrong Slovenian priest has demonstrated that he dislikes being told what to do or being accountable to anyone.
So, what if he decides to just go rogue — “a priest forever in the manner of Melchizedek” (Ps 110:4) — swanning about Europe (maybe he’ll start a blog!) until he is formally laicized? It feels a little like the Jesuits have set loose a potential monster-at-large.
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