Iran president in Havana: "Every day our relations grow stronger"

Over the past few weeks Castro, Inc. has been very busy courting major enemies of the United States, hoping they will help it stay in power.

Today it’s Iran’s turn. Its president met with King Raul, Trucutú, Brunito el Maldito and other members of Cuba’s military junta to discuss partnerships of various sorts. Given that Iran has vast oil reserves, the issue of providing Cuba with fuel must have surely been at the top of the list, along with weapons of mass destruction, terrorist activities, and ways in which Castro, Inc. might help Iran irritate the United States and wipe Israel off the world map.


[Pay attention. The Russians are wooing Cuba again, although they probably can’t afford to float the regime like they have in the past. China won’t be far behind, if they’re not already in the lead. — Ed]

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