The most Catholic response to Dodgers' insult to Christianity: Prayer

There are other efforts and campaigns, but there’s something powerful about Christians making clear that prayer is one of the most important actions to take in the face of evil. And mocking Jesus and women who dedicate their lives to Him is evil.


And there is another layer to this Perpetual Indulgence celebration by the Dodgers happening on the feast of the Sacred Heart. The solemnity moves around in June from year to year — whenever the third Friday after Pentecost is. Last year, it coincided with the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision. So I’m thinking of this Friday as a kind of religious anniversary of the end of Roe v. Wade. That there would be a doubling down of evil isn’t surprising under the circumstances.

Abortion in America is never going to end without the kind of radical hospitality that women religious live — and until we sort out what exactly the human person is again (and stop making it harder for parents to raise children in families with fathers and mothers). The Dodgers aren’t helping any of that, and are instead contributing to the darkness, confusion, and human misery that comes with rejecting God’s designs.

[Well said. As an aside, I love to ready Kathryn Jean’s posts on faith, because she often reminds me — as she does here — that we have to rely on prayer in trying times. We can’t fix the world without it, and prayer gives strong testimony to faith. — Ed]

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