Liberal SCOTUS journalists aren't bothering to hide their activism

Liberal reporters who cover the Supreme Court don’t know what they are doing. To fix this, they need to be much more hostile toward conservative justices and even more propagandistic in their coverage.


This was the theme of a live symposium recently held in Washington, D.C. Dahlia Lithwick and Mark Joseph Stern of Slate, Elie Mystal of the Nation, and Jay Willis of the leftist Balls and Strikes all admitted that their coverage of the Supreme Court over the years had been terrible — not because of its obvious leftist bias, but because it had failed to prevent conservative court opinions from being handed down. Calling the past few years “a wake-up call” and the result of “the sinking feeling that we’ve been doing it all wrong,” the speakers argued that they have been too deferential to the Supreme Court and its traditions. …

It’s quite an argument. Acknowledging that they have no reporting skills, lefty writers have decided that repeating the propaganda that pushes their agenda, rather than more fairness and broader coverage, is the solution. They’re treating cancer by smoking cigarettes.

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