Get ready for the Remake Kamala Project

Can Dunn remake Kamala’s privileged childhood? Her record as a corrupt District Attorney? Her access to the inner circles of power by being Willie Brown’s concubine? How is Dunn going to spin the hours of Kamala’s Deep Thoughts, inappropriate cackling and her MO of speaking to the hoi polloi as if we were low-IQ first graders?


Or the risible role of Border Czar Biden handed to her and she ran away from?

We are going to need a bigger tub of popcorn to watch the performance of VP Roundheels 2.0.

[The inherent problem of Kamala 2.0 is that it necessitates using Kamala 1.0, who is simply way over her head intellectually and in every other sense. It’s easy to be a nonentity in a club of 100. It’s a lot different when you have to sell yourself all on your own. This project is doomed. — Ed]

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