You're so vain, Roberts, you probably think the Court is about you

Chief Justice Roberts sees himself as the Court’s savior–the only force that can protect the legacy of John Marshall. John Roberts, and no one else, knows what is best for the Republic. John Roberts, singlehandedly, can ward off incursions from the radical left Court “reformers” and the radical right (including his colleagues). …


I don’t think Roberts is a weather vane. I think he’s just, so, vain. He probably thinks the Court is about him.

[Worth noting for the Carly Simon reference and the song, which Josh included. Maybe we’re both big fans of Simon. I think he’s right about Roberts too, although I don’t think it’s as delusional as Josh thinks. Roberts may no longer be the swing vote, but when he was, he did a lot of tweaking for the motive Josh cites. And yet it did no good, not even before Amy Coney Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh joined the court. The Left only will approve when they win decisions, period. — Ed]

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