Shira Scheindlin doesn't speak for me -- or for other "white women"

She’s asking for oddly little. She speaks of those who were called “the first woman” in some area and then only the ones who “proudly bore the title.” I don’t think I was ever the first woman anything, and if I were, I wouldn’t have regarded it as my “title” and vaunted it in any way. …


And then even within that category of proud bearers of the “first woman” title, Scheindlin is only asking that they ensure “access” for “underrepresented communities.” Access? What does that mean other than to have an open system of application and selection?

[Scheindlin must think that she succeeded *only* through top-down redistribution of opportunity. That’s a rather low opinion of one’s own accomplishment, and the idea of “leveraging” position to do the same thing is antithetical to both equality and equal treatment. — Ed]

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