Culture of "Me" driving social and economic decline

Debt ceiling reruns, outstripping Congress’ past inactivity by placing no budget restrictions in the “deal” laced with language intended to mystify the public (and give cover to media and politicians), allowed self-focused representatives to ignore government overspending. Riots, looting, shooting, warmongering, Green New Dealing, social media influencing, loitering, drugging, and flat-out laziness were essentially green-lighted to continue at a runaway rate, all on the federal (our) dime.


Amid the nation’s cratering economy and infrastructure, individuals have been taught to concentrate on fulfilling their personal needs, which expectations are being methodically deflated. Media and public education have indoctrinated younger generations to believe essential necessities are limited to having cell phones, cash for their favorite beverage, drug, game or sensual indulgence, and a place to crash, preferably financed by someone else. Travel and expanding their experiences in the wider world has been discouraged except virtually or vicariously.

Focus in modern culture has been purposely narrowed down to limit hopes and dreams, that nothing is more important than satisfying the meanest of natural urges. Social mantras promote preoccupying oneself with physical and emotional amusement to the exclusion of critical thought and, certainly, the concept of serving others. State supported self-indulgence has empowered governmental agencies to exert control over the “masses,” as Marx would call ignorant adherents that could be described as victims of distraction.


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