American workers "need not apply" in Chicago

U.S. Tech Workers filed a complaint today with the Department of Justice regarding discriminatory hiring practices against native workers in the city of Chicago. Concealing themselves behind language of entrepreneurial networking under the collective name “Chicago H-1B Connect,” a myriad of top corporations have been prioritizing H-1B visa holders over American citizens, the complaint claims. Among those Chicagoland employers featured as “eager to employ the best and brightest in tech” are John Deere, Walgreens, Discover Financial Services, and the University of Chicago.


Around four dozen employers are listed as respondents for engaging in what the legal complaint characterizes as “an unlawful scheme of recruitment based on immigration status.” Two specific nonprofits, P33 and World Business Chicago, are accused of operating as middlemen who help corporations in their pursuit of H-1B workers. The charge submitted to the DOJ catalogues incidents where American citizens—almost all of whom are degree holders—were unable to attain jobs in the tech space with employers using third party recruiting services for H1-B workers.

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