SPLC describes Moms for Liberty as one of the leading “reactionary anti-student inclusion groups”; the group protesting a drag show is SPLC’s example of its hatred, implying quite heavily that drag is an immutable characteristic. Yet a glance at the nonprofit’s website shows that its women leaders (or, as SPLC would call them, “women and people who can get pregnant”) run the gamut of truly immutable characteristics. Their director of Hispanic Outreach is described as a “Colombian American businesswoman, journalist, philanthropist, strategy adviser, contributor and commentator, and humble servant to the Lord.” Tia Bess, director of National Engagement, left Philadelphia as a child due to gang violence and is now “a mom of three with a blended family” who hopes to spread the message that “her zip code didn’t define her.” Much of these moms’ mission is against having their children be defined by their immutable characteristics. …
In short, Moms for Liberty is, if anything, more inclusive than the SPLC, and SPLC’s attack on parental-rights groups in particular with this year’s “hate map” reflects that it has once again weaponized the very serious label of “hate” against a popular and powerful cultural preference of parents educating their own children about controversial questions.
[The SPLC has become part of the progressives’ enforcement arm against dissent and debate, and in this case against actual democracy. Moms for Liberty and other such groups organize to work through the system to win school board elections, engage school boards, and lobby for their parental-rights agenda. Isn’t that exactly how it’s *supposed* to work? — Ed]
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