2/ First, some background. Ari Groner is a licensed clinical social worker who educates doctors on “trans healthcare.” At a recent training session for the Juniper Center, Groner explained that she writes whatever letters her patients want, because she’s not a “gatekeeper.” pic.twitter.com/8CVUWiYetY
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) June 7, 2023
4/ Groner explains that insurance companies won't pay for these surgeries unless the patient is diagnosed with gender dysphoria. So, she says healthcare workers should provide the diagnosis. “We're using that diagnosis,” she says, “to ensure clients get that necessary treatment." pic.twitter.com/TqFDMaVYQt
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) June 7, 2023
11/ Nevertheless, Plume’s nurse practitioner said she wanted to write the most "solid" letter possible to justify surgery. Gregg tells her that he once wrote an essay in school about being a woman, which everyone thought was ridiculous. pic.twitter.com/iY7Ec3Q1wd
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) June 7, 2023
13/ Three days later, Plume sent this letter to "Chelsea Bussey” – who does not exist — saying he was experiencing "significant, ongoing gender dysphoria.” The letter strongly recommended “Chelsea” for testicle removal. pic.twitter.com/WzIMsjygS6
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) June 7, 2023
(via Right Scoop)
[This is not science and it’s not medicine. It’s a surgery mill to profit providers while exploiting people’s temporary issues. Every single person in this scam should have their license revoked. Don’t hold your breath, however. — Ed]
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