It doesn't sound like the C-suite has learned a lesson

Why not stay on the sidelines, unless the issue is one that is actually germane, in an important way, to the company’s business? For example, the rapidly rising cost of electricity “really intersects with [the] day-to-day lives” of every company’s customers, but I don’t know of any companies that have taken an anti-green energy position so as to align themselves with customers’ political or economic concerns that are not specifically related to the company’s business. …


So will those human rights advisers advise on the use of slave labor in China? Or child mining of “green” minerals in Africa? Are those human rights issues that corporations will start opining on?

Just kidding.

[I’ll believe it when I see it, but the hornet’s nest HAS been kicked repeatedly of late. The question still remains whether the elite learn from getting stung, or just keep keep kicking on the hope that the hornets get tired of doing damage. — Ed]

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