. Trump is not acting like a front runner who is confident in his lead in the least. He is snapping at anyone who once worked for him, campaigned for him, or stood up for him if they dare utter an opinion favorable to DeSantis. …
Donald Trump is living moment by moment by the philosophy “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” and in the process, is alienating any real allies that he has for a general election. Leaving aside the fact that both Cuomo and Trump are completely wrong on the numbers, how on earth can he possibly explain his flip-flop on Andrew Cuomo except that he really really really wants to lash out at Ron DeSantis? And we haven’t even gotten to Trump’s questionable hires and appointments from his administration yet. We have seen Trump go from praising people as “the best” to being “the worst,” never acknowledging that he hired them or put them front and center in the first place. Remember, Trump nominated Christopher Wray to head the FBI, and now has his campaign attacking DeSantis over Wray’s nomination. Trump brought Anthony Fauci into the White House to dictate COVID policy, and then complained about those decisions but didn’t send him back to the NIH in favor of someone else. Any primary opponent is going to take shots at Trump over those two appointments alone, and deflecting by yelling “DISLOYALTY!” isn’t going to work.
And he’s going to turn on his former administration staffers just because they dare to hold a differing opinion?
[How many people will want to run out and work for Trump when this is clearly the endgame for them if they show any amount of independence at any time for the rest of their lives? — Ed]
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