Trump, DeSantis tied in Florida

DeSantis earned 38.2% support and Trump earned 38%, with a 3.9% margin of error, in the Victory Insights poll. No other GOP candidate received more than 3.1%.

A total of 12% likely GOP voters said they were undecided, and 3.5% said they chose someone other than the candidates presented. …


In a suggested head-to-head race between DeSantis and Trump, the governor (40.2%) leads Trump (39%) with the difference again falling within the error margin. A total of 20.8% were undecided.

[Still too early to tell, but let’s also not forget that Trump’s been officially in the race and campaigning for over six months. DeSantis just got in a few days ago. He’s done pretty well against Trump, considering — and the scope of his campaign won’t really be felt until the fall. — Ed]

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