There is something primal in us. When there is an accident on the highway, traffic slows as drivers crane their necks to see what could be something gruesome. Streaming services like Netflix have the popular shows “Conversations with a Killer” and “Monster.” Horror stories and murder mysteries have been genres of fascination even in the days of Edgar Allan Poe. Blood and guts sells because human beings are interested in the minds of remorseless murderers.
Currently, the obsession on social media centers on the Smiley Face Killer.
There have been 14 bodies of men found in the Chicago River since last year prompting social media to buzz about a serial killer on the loose. The claim is that somewhere near the bodies is a spray-painted smiley face. Never mind that police and autopsy reports have thwarted these rumors. Instead, those who spend hours watching shows about John Wayne Gacy or Jeffrey Dahmer are frantically connecting with other enthusiasts trying to crack the case.
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