RFK Jr, Williamson gaining ground on Biden in new CNN poll

Biden claimed the support of 60% of Democratic and Democratic-leaning voters in a CNN poll published Thursday. By contrast, challengers Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Hollywood guru Marianne Williamson claimed 20% and 8%, respectively.


In additional bad news for Biden, majorities of those groups expressed openness to both of his challengers, with 64% open to RFK Jr. and 53% willing to consider Williamson. The outlet noted that RFK Jr. benefitted considerably from his last name and fond voter recognition of his family’s past political figures.

[Neither of these fringe candidates will get anywhere near the nomination. However, if they’re still doing this well by December and make it onto the New Hampshire ballot, we may be looking at an LBJ 1968 event — an embarrassment that could force Biden to withdraw, with all sorts of chaos following among Democrats. — Ed]

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