House Dems worry President Ice Cream is botching the debt-ceiling fight

Pulling a bit more on this thread of Biden’s leadership during the debt-ceiling negotiations . . . Right now, congressional Democrats feel like they don’t really have a president or a leader, and that Biden is more or less AWOL from the party’s messaging effort. And they’re all complaining to the Washington press. …


Biden isn’t keeping House Democrats in the loop, isn’t saying much in his public statements, no one knows what kind of concessions he’s willing to make, and, with seven days until the projected date of defaulting on the debt, this evening he’s off to Camp David for a long weekend. You can forgive Democrats for wondering if Biden is really there.

[I’d be surprised if we don’t have a deal by now or later tonight, just because Biden’s not going to win this one anyway. May as well throw in the towel altogether and move on. But the complaints about Biden’s lack of communication and competence from Democrats at this stage are absolutely hilarious. They foisted President Ice Cream on us, and they’re stuck with him just as much as we are. — Ed]

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