Joel Kotkin: Women have won the ‘war between the sexes,’ but at what cost? …
My hypothesis: What we’ve been told that “women” want is in fact what a relatively small percentage of women — 20% at most — who tend to be neurotic and anxious, and largely incapable of sustained happiness anyway, say they want. But even to the extent that’s true, their needs aren’t really those of most women whose interests fall closer to the norms.
[That may be more true lately, although I think it was less true in first- and second-wave feminism. Those movements addressed real inequities and opened new opportunities for women. Third- and fourth-wave feminism has been dominated by fringe grievances, and now those have combined with transgenderism that is effectively erasing the entire basis for feminism, and the basis for the “war of the sexes” itself. It’s erasing biological sex in favor of feelings of gender, which annihilates the very identity of woman by making that identity acquirable by men. In fact, this might well be the worst defeat for women in the war between the sexes. — Ed]
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