The best response to the Dodgers

What remains is what the response should be, I think it should be two fold, one spiritual and one secular.

The spiritual response that I would suggest is a Eucharistic Procession to and around Dodger Stadium, much like the one that took place in DC last week …


I’m sure the Hispanic community of LA would really get into such an event, perhaps even bearing a banner of Our Lady of Guadalupe the Patron of the Americas. But the real advantage is that whenever you have the Eucharist you have the body blood soul and divinity of Christ and whenever you Christ to a situation you are working toward the good.

[It’s an excellent idea, and I hope that the archdiocese is organizing such a protest — but I fear it might have to be left to Catholic orgs to do so. Peter’s secular suggestion is along the same lines that Hugh Hewitt suggested on Twitter: an effort by Catholic employees of the Dodgers to file complaints about a hostile work environment based on their honoring of an anti-Catholic hate group. I’m not sure how successful that might be, but I’d bet the Dodgers would hate to have to deal with it. — Ed]

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