The ad made the point that milk means cow’s milk. It poked light fun at the idea of making milk from plant material — you know, oat milk, almond milk, all the various not-milks.
It’s amusing enough …
Well, you can’t upset the apple-cart of mentally-ill leftists with an Attack Hobby (as veganism is, it’s an Attack Hobby) without expecting a lot of hatred.
[I don’t have any issue with non-milk products calling themselves milk as long as it also adds their base product: almond milk, soy milk, coconut milk, etc. It’s not just vegans who use and enjoy it, and adults can figure out that there’s no such thing as a soy cow. All this proves, however, is that PETA has no sense of humor, and neither do its supporters. But we’ve known that for a long time. Anyway, enjoy the satirical ad, and Plaza herself, whose work I usually like. — Ed]
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