Left's spin on Durham, and their victory

Do you know what being right about this gets me? Nothing. Nada. I don’t get any satisfaction because the Clouseau Investigation by Bullshit Durham let Obama, Hillary, Biden and a pack of scum buckets who received million-dollar book deals (aka payoffs) get the last laugh on America.


The Left embraced the report with outrage for the money spent. The cognitive dissonance for money spent on the equally useless Mueller Report goes unprotested. …

For whatever reasons lefties concoct, they say the Durham investigation was a waste of time and money.

I totally agree. Everyone knew no one would go to prison. Everyone knew Comey and the rest acted like the Gestapo in spying on President Trump and no one will pay for this act of totalitarian terrorism.

[This changes none of the incentives to abuse power for political purposes, which guarantees it will happen again. It’s not a question of ‘if’ but ‘when,’ and the answer to ‘when’ is: the first opportunity leftists in the FBI and DoJ have an opportunity to influence another presidential election. — Ed]

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