Don't expect the Durham report to make any difference

The fact is, in this instance, Donald Trump was correct when he said he was the target of a political hitjob funded by the Clinton campaign and maintained by virtually every media outlet. There is a word for that: disinformation.


Democrats such as former House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff of California have pushed for censorship by claiming that disinformation is a threat to democracy. Well, this is that threat — the real one. This actually left an administration mired in a faux scandal for years, with high-ranking officials paraded before grand juries and their guilt then proclaimed nightly on cable news shows. …

The media, meanwhile, is offering little more than a shoulder-shrug and more spin.

So, in the relative silence of media coverage following the report’s release, Durham can contemplate an ultimate Zen-like question: If a 305-page report proves a concerted political hoax but no one is there to read it, does it make a difference?

[It’s easy to be fatalistic about this, and it’s mostly true. However, the Durham report makes the truth at least available, and the truth always matters — even if the ruling clique tries to suppress it. — Ed]

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