Daniel Goldman is a joke

Why either party would implicitly take ownership of either of these two blights on American society with their manic subject-changing is beyond me. But both sides came prepared with their preferred set of unimpeachable facts. Mostly. The same cannot be said of Representative Goldman. …


Goldman mocked Rosas as “apparently the expert now in organized terrorist activity” and alleged that the reporter had “overruled the FBI director who says — there’s a headline — ‘antifa’s an ideology, not an organization.’” He condescended further: “No, no, no. Let’s not listen to the FBI director. Let’s listen to — sorry, what’s your title? — senior writer at Townhall, who is going to tell us that the FBI director is wrong.” Despite appearances to the contrary, that was not an introduction. “There’s no question,” Goldman barked when Rosas mistook the assault on his integrity as an opportunity to correct the record.

[I’ll just post my commentary from last night on Twitter to Goldman’s gutless nonsense, as well as Julio’s response to it during the hearing. — Ed]


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