Polls: Americans want spending cuts attached to debt-limit hike

While 40.8% of likely general election voters say the debt limit, which sits at more than $31 trillion, should be raised without spending cuts, 37.2% say the debt limit should only be raised if the government cuts spending while 22% say the debt limit should not be increased at all, according to a Convention of States Action poll conducted in partnership with the pollster the Trafalgar Group. …


When only given the options of raising the debt ceiling without conditions or raising it only with spending constraints, a Reuters/Ipsos poll published Tuesday shows that 51% of Americans say the ceiling should not be raised without major spending cuts.

The number of Americans who support cutting spending in exchange for raising the debt ceiling may be even higher. A Harvard CAPS Harris Poll last month found that 65% of Americans said Congress should only raise the debt ceiling with constraints on future spending compared to 35% who said it should be raised without conditions.

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