Professional Educators of Tennessee’s Executive Director J. C. Bowman said, “Children cannot learn in a classroom where their teachers spend a significant amount of time dealing with student discipline issues. It can be unsafe for the teacher and the other students and significantly disrupts the learning environment.”
Out-of-control behavior by some students is driving teachers out of the profession. In 2021, the Tennessee General Assembly passed the Teacher’s Discipline Act, which Professional Educators of Tennessee championed. Since January 1, 2022, this law should guide districts to create better discipline systems and processes in place in Tennessee schools.
Student discipline is a major reason why teachers say they are leaving the profession. This law was centered on the frustration of teachers over the last decade. Educators cite student discipline as a critical issue that they face in the classroom. Teaching is a challenging and difficult job. It is made even more difficult when classroom discipline is out of control.
To maintain control in the classroom, policies must be clearly defined. Let us be clear, today’s infractions are rarely chewing gum, being out of a seat, or throwing paper. Reports include offenses of a sexual nature, cursing at teachers, fights, and sometimes even worse. Students are frequently permitted to commit offenses in school with little repercussion. Student discipline is now a time-consuming and exasperating issue, and teacher input is rarely solicited.
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