Steve Bannon SWATTed again in DC

For the second time in two months, the $2.5 million Washington, D.C. residence of Steve Bannon, the former chief strategist for then-President Donald Trump, was subjected to a swatting incident, a report said on Thursday.


Law enforcement authorities in the capital city confirmed that police responded to the incident at Bannon’s million-dollar home on A Street NE at 7:17 pm local time, the UK’s Daily Mail reported.

After a thorough investigation, it was determined that no gunshots were fired, and there was no ongoing danger or active threat. Also, no injuries were reported as a result of the swatting incident, the outlet reported.

[That’s a relief. This malicious practice puts everyone at higher risk — not just the target of the SWATting, but also the officers and EMS who respond, the neighbors around them, and the people whose *real* need for first responders gets delayed because of false reports like this. States and cities should put onerous disincentives for this practice pour encourager les autres. — Ed]

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