4-year-old Navy the only Biden not gobbling up foreign cash

Navy Joan Roberts, the four-year-old child Hunter Biden had with a stripper who is actively ignored by the entire Biden family, including President Joe Biden, appears to be the only one in the family who isn’t taking foreign funds. …


It appears that being a Biden has major financial benefits, but unfortunately for the four-year-old Navy, her father doesn’t want her to share his surname. When Navy’s mother, Lunden Roberts, petitioned the court to officially rename her daughter “Navy Joan Biden” to “benefit from carrying the Biden Family name,” Hunter petitioned against Lunden, claiming her request amounted to “political warfare.”

Not only is Navy the only Biden who doesn’t appear to be compromised by foreign adversaries and criminals, but she and her mother may also aid the House investigation into the Biden family’s business dealings.

[This points up yet again what an idiotic fight this has been for Hunter and the Bidens. With all this cash raining down on Biden Inc, it would have been easy to keep Lunden Roberts happy and silent. Instead … — Ed]

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