The time has come for "zero trust" at the DoD

In a program that pre-dates the Massachusetts ANG Airman’s latest story, it appears we are going to pull the security ratchet harder. …

DOD security should be at the leading edge, but it is simply – and almost criminally – not. This move is overdue – and not just for spying reasons. With everything quickly reaching the point that if for any reason the military is locked out of its computer systems, a lot of what it takes to keep the front lines fed, fueled, and informed comes to a screeching halt. The threat isn’t just spying through a poorly designed security construct – but denial of access to your IT infrastructure with malware. You need to stop your good stuff from leaking out, and their bad stuff sneaking in.


A bit of malicious code can be just as effective as a few tons of TNT.

[I think the problem goes beyond “zero trust.” We have produced a culture that rewards narcissism and disincentivizes honor, duty, and sacrifice. In a system with these values, every asset will be viewed for its utility to promote the self rather than to maintain the security of the community. And that’s not just a problem at the DoD or in intel, but on the streets of every large community in America. Culture matters and values matter, and we have a definite culture/values deficit in comparison to our potential enemies. And they know how to exploit it, too. — Ed]

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