Behold the left's hypocrisy on energy policy

Democrats say they represent working Americans, but their energy policies tell another story. President Joe Biden’s environmental regulations are focused on slowing development of fossil fuels and promoting electrification, resulting in higher prices for electricity, cars, and gasoline.


Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, is holding hearings to support Biden’s efforts. Last week, I appeared at one, testifying that poor and middle-class Americans are disproportionately paying the price for these energy policies.

The goal of the Biden regulations is to mitigate climate change, described as “an existential threat” by the president in his State of the Union address Feb. 7. But if America’s energy-intensive production and manufacturing, with their associated emissions, are simply displaced to China and other poorer countries, global temperatures will not change.

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