Why I left Hollywood, the Left, and the Democrat Party


What bothered me the most wasn’t that these people disagreed with me, or that they had different ideas on how best to handle covid or BLM unrest—what bothered me the most was that they absolutely refused to recognize I might have any honest reasons for disagreeing with them. And I had honest reasons for disagreeing with them. I and MANY others were being harmed by the tyrannical, overreaching, nonsensical response to covid—especially in blue cities and states. That felt like a punch to the gut, from the people I’d supported and aligned with all my life.

So I walked away from the Democrat party. They’ve proven me correct every damn day since then. #walkaway

[Update: I’m not sure why the original tweet didn’t embed properly, but it may be because I used the URL for the expanded version. This should work better. — Ed]

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