.@rolandsmartinon the Texas mass shooting: "The only way to change any of this is to completely wipe out the Republican Party. Somebody has to say it. Greg Abbott, the governor, is sick and demented." pic.twitter.com/1VS6nJRgvp
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) May 8, 2023
Talk about ‘never let a crisis go to waste’. Roland Marin wants to wipe out the Republican Party because he and his leftist ilk hates it. This has nothing to do with mass shootings. It’s just the latest issue du jour. Martin is nothing more than a petty authoritarian just like Erdogan, who used every excuse in the book to wipe out his opposition in the media in Turkey.
But the idea that wiping out the Republican Party would stop mass shootings is the height of absurdity. This problem is happening because our culture has begun to rot and the mainstream media loves to put that rot on display in order to push leftist narratives. One of which is to take away guns from law abiding citizens, which would only make the problem worse because only criminals would have guns.
[The problem isn’t that Abbott is “sick and demented,” it’s that we have no way to get the *truly* “sick and demented” off the streets and keep them from harming others. Adam Baldwin and I discuss that in today’s Amiable Skeptics episode. Until we get serious about the “sick and demented,” we will continue to have mass casualty incidents regardless of the choice of weapons involved. — Ed]
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