Washington Examiner: How does the Republican Party move forward after what happened in those couple of months after the election in 2020 and on Jan. 6?
Pence: Well, elections are about the future. And if 2022 proved anything, it showed the candidates that were focused on the future, candidates that were focused on offering solutions to the failed policies [of] the Biden administration and focused on the future of the American people did very well. The candidates that were focused on the past, candidates that were focused on relitigating the past did not fare as well, including in many places that we should have won and should have done well.
[I don’t disagree — but if that’s the case, then what’s the argument for a Pence candidacy? Shouldn’t the GOP focus on candidates without connections with the past that is being relitigated? Like it or not, fair or not, Pence is central to that relitigation even if he himself isn’t actively engaging in it. — Ed]
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