Bernie: The cure for progressivism's failures is more progressivism, natch

You have to begrudgingly admire the gall demanded of — and regularly supplied by — the political Left.

Liberals and progressives spent the first years of Joe Biden’s term advocating spending programs that compelled the U.S. Treasury to hemorrhage taxpayer funds. They got much, although not nearly everything, of what they asked for. Still, legislation enacted since Biden took office increased federal-debt projections by $6 trillion over ten years. Economic observers now recognize that this orgy of disbursements overheated the economy and contributed to inflation. Now, to combat the effects of inflation on American wallets, the only answer is to demand that public employers pay higher wages.


With the fruits of its preferred policies ripening, the Left insists that the only cure for the ills of progressive politics is more progressive politics. At least, that seems to be Senator Bernie Sanders’s view.

[No surprise here. Bernie hasn’t had an original thought since Mao died. And that’s not a coincidence. — Ed]

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