Today's Peak Woke Academia asininity is ...

Realize what happened here: a Woke Brigade went back and combed through his Twitter feed to find “Likes” of politically incorrect Tweets by third parties. Horrors! (And haven’t people got better things to do?)


The Maoist temper of this too-typical inquisition is illustrated further in the story. Even though Tykocinski apologized and groveled (“I understand that my lack of knowledge of the Twitter platform created questions and unintentionally offended many,” he wrote in his apology message. “Please be assured this will be a learning experience, and I will grow as a person and professional from this misstep”), it was deemed insufficient by the campus Wokerati[.]

[The lesson here is: Don’t apologize for normal behavior. Push back. Appeasement never works with the zero-redemption cult of the Wokerati, especially in Academia. — Ed]

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