Democrats' war on conservative SCOTUS justices

The left has been attacking conservative justices ever since the days of Bork, and then the sexual accusations against Clarence Thomas and more recently Kavanaugh. There have been threats, protest demonstrations at justices’ homes, and assassination attempts – after all, the death of another justice or two during the Biden administration would solve everything for the left. And now they’ve continued the intimidation with accusations of supposed ethics violations for activities that were never considered violations when liberals on the Court indulged in them…


The goal is to either make the conservative justices resign prematurely, not wanting the aggravation or the danger – or, failing that, another goal would be to get the conservative justices to temper their conservative views and decisions in order to placate the left and call off the mob. Another is to delegitimize the Court in the public’s eyes.

Whether these tactics will work or not depends on the mettle of the conservative justices. One thing is certain: the left won’t be quitting the fight.

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