It seems so odd for activists to advance the argument that “companies have become increasingly reliant on women to fill jobs, and especially as they face a nationwide labor shortage” when the labor shortage is due to abortion. The data are clear, no abortion—no labor crisis. Every child lost after Roe would be 50 or under and still in the working age group. And the working age population would not be declining if they were here with us.
This is not the only time we’ll see abortion on corporate proxies this week. In fact, it was not the only resolution on Coca-Cola’s proxy card. There is also what is called a “congruency” report, which amounts to goading companies that have said something in favor of equality to extend that to blacklisting pro-life politicians. It also lost. Cigna and Pfizer both also had congruency resolutions last week that specifically pointed to the abortion issue. They too were defeated.
Thank God the companies are opposing these resolutions, and thank Him again that the largest of the proxy advisor services, ISS, has reversed course and is now opposing the Risk Due to Restrictions on Reproductive Rights proposals. Christians who own shares in these companies should keeping voting no on these and similar proposals. Until we get our act together enough to set the agenda, we must at least be vigilant to vote against their bad ideas.
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