Hamilton,hip hop, and the culture of dueling

While the differences with Hamilton’s era are many, in some ways the similarities are growing: As trust in institutions like political parties, news media organizations, and government itself declines, politics seems at the moment to be becoming more personal, as it was in the early days of the Republic. While this may not lead to a resurgence of the politically-oriented dueling that claimed Hamilton’s life and Burr’s career, it may lead to new manifestations of the need for politicians to prove themselves to their followers, and for followers to wage war on behalf of their chosen leaders. Perhaps, in fact, the social media wars of today are an example of that phenomenon.


If so, they represent an improvement: Social media combat occasionally ends careers, but generally doesn’t cost lives. Then again, looking around at today’s political class may plausibly give rise to at least a faint nostalgia for the era of duelling.

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