Biden caused the Afghanistan tragedy -- now he's shifting the blame

Biden ruined much of what our military accomplished during two decades of sacrifice in Afghanistan. The Taliban’s enormous strategic victory — with more than $7 billion worth of U.S. weapons, ammunition, aircraft, materiel, and vehicles — was given to them on a silver platter. Millions of civilians have plunged into destitution thanks to Biden’s rogue move. Many Afghans, who risked their lives to assist us, were left behind to face the wrath of the Taliban.


The tumult that accompanied the haphazard retreat, with visions similar to Saigon’s fall, conveyed a message of American weakness that Vladimir Putin undoubtedly used as a red carpet to invade Ukraine a few months later. …

As the current administration inexplicably touts the pullout as a success, it attempts to pass the buck for what went awry to others, including intelligence and military leaders, Congress, the Afghan people, and especially former President Donald Trump. The only person absolved from culpability is Biden, depicted as some figure of great resolve, failed by his national security apparatus.

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