Jordan's making the right fight -- as long as he sticks to crime

The Judiciary Committee has convened a hearing in the Javits Federal Building, a stone’s throw from the district attorney’s office in lower Manhattan. The purpose, Jordan says, is to highlight the peril into which Bragg’s progressive non-prosecution agenda has placed New Yorkers.


This could be good policy and good politics . . . as long as Jordan keeps the spotlight on crime, rather than on Donald Trump.

Republicans made surprising gains in New York State in the generally downbeat 2022 midterm elections. The main reason was crime. Washington sends federal dollars to New York and other states to fight crime. As I’ve explained, I do not believe that is a valid constitutional basis for Washington to presume supremacy over state-level law enforcement, or to micro-manage how a municipal district attorney conducts individual cases — particularly cases fraught with politics. Nevertheless, Jordan could not be more right that the federal spigot should be shut off if the taxpayer money for law enforcement is going to progressive prosecutors whose default position is nonenforcement, and who, under a delusion, are implementing dangerous decarceration policies.

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