Dianne Feinstein is once more displaying the stubborn approach that’s powered her storied career as pressure mounts on her to return to Washington or resign.
Confidants and top allies to the 89-year-old Democratic senator are rebuffing calls for her to not just temporarily remove herself from the Senate Judiciary Committee but step down from her job entirely before her term is up in 2024.
They argue her request this week to be replaced on the committee while recuperating from shingles should satisfy critics — at least for now. They view the calls for her to quit as laced with ageism, sexism, ideological disputes and unchecked political opportunism. And there’s considerable anger being directed at her detractors for not exercising patience during a difficult time while showing her the respect they think she’s earned.
[It’s kind of delicious that Dems’re finding it’s not so easy to shove the doddering old lady out the door when it suits them. ~ Beege]
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