Levin: Carmakers' removal of AM radios an "attack on conservative talk shows"

“Let’s talk about radios for a minute. Ford is the latest manufacturer that says, the future production of cars will not include the AM platform… BMW has said it. Others have said it because it interferes with something or other. They finally figured out how to attack conservative talk radio,” MediaIte reported Levin saying during his show. “Let me be the first one to say it right at the manufacturer level, rather than going after us through the FCC, rather than going after us through legislation, rather than going after us through boycotting advertisers and all the rest — just don’t make AM stations available in automobiles anymore, because not all, but most conservative talk shows are on the AM band.” …


“This idea that all of a sudden, you’re going to remove the AM band from cars — that’s aimed at people like me to prevent people like you from just turning on your radio as you drive in your own local area or general area and listen to the station. That’s what that’s all about,” Levin said. “‘Oh, no, no, Mark. You can’t prove that.’ I don’t have to prove anything,” Levin said. “I’ve been around long enough. I figured things out. We’re way ahead of the curve here. That’s exactly what they’ve done. That’s exactly what they’re doing.”

[Yes, I agree. The idea that radio *reception* will interfere with auto electronics is absurd. Even if it presented some sort of issue, which seems highly doubtful with sophisticated technology, shielding should deal with the issue. The AM band is mainly used for drive-time communications, and a large part of that is talk radio of various kinds, of which conservative politics is the dominant genre. I’ll be on with Drew Mariani on Relevant Radio this afternoon to discuss this further. — Ed]


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