Affirming the binary and the "intersex trap"

Brian Anderson: … How does this intersex question intersect with the transgenderism debate that the nation is in the midst of right now?

Colin Wright: It really shouldn’t be. And that’s something I tried to say in my most recent piece for City Journal. I call this the “intersex trap,” and it’s the tendency of a lot of arguments that gender activists are making to try to steer all these arguments about transgenderism into the weeds, into complex discussions about various intersex conditions.


Take males in female sports, for instance. You have someone like Lia Thomas, who’s unambiguously male, is fully intact, is male in every sense of the word of what a male is. Now, you get a lot of people who would try to say that Lia Thomas should be able to compete as a female, and then they would point to other athletes like Caster Semenya, who has an intersex condition, and they’ll point to all these other intersex conditions, these intersex athletes.

It’s a red herring.

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