After being released from Walter Reed National Military Medical Center this week once his treatment for depression was completed, Democrat Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman sat down for a softball interview with liberal CBS Sunday Morning anchor Jane Pauley. Despite there being plenty of substantive topics to discuss, Pauley opted for the most syrupy topics and open-ended questions possible. She even asked with a straight face if the brain-damaged Senator would be open to serv[ing] “beyond the United States Senate.”
Pauley opened by gushing all over Fetterman by putting a happy face on his health and life outlook: “Senator John Fetterman is home in Braddock, Pennsylvania, six weeks after he was hospitalized for depression at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center where we talked with him this past week. I found Senator Fetterman hopeful, optimistic, ready to return to the United States Senate and his role as a dad.”
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