Actually, the climate-change cult is all blah, blah, blah

The false premise here is that some of us wanted to destroy the planet; it never seems to occur to the Left that there might have been, and still be, better ways to improve everybody’s quality of life besides using the full force of government (which is to say, gunpoint) to mandate it. And so here we are, prisoners of our own device, our jailers in the thrall of childish fears that, despite the accomplishments of the late Sen. Nelson, the world is still coming to an end and, worse, it’s all our fault. They have driven themselves so mad that the sight of a puff of smoke coming from a chimney or the sight of a cow’s ass throws them into paroxysms of panic. And to accommodate their madness, we have to stop driving, stop heating our homes, stop cooking our food, stop traveling, stop. We’ve even got our military believing that “fighting ‘climate change'” is its top priority instead of killing our enemies.


Which is why they are, at root, a Suicide Cult. … Today’s Climate Cultists, led by a foolish, troubled child who’s but a plaything in the hands of another cult, resemble the loner in the New Yorker cartoons wearing a sign that proclaims the End is Near. Which is something they’re looking forward to, with the profound joy of an early Christian martyr heading into the arena. hese people are carbon-based life forms who, after all, believe that the carbon dioxide they exhale as part of the necessary breathing process—and the very thing that gives life to the trees they’re always hugging so protectively—is a poison that threatens all forms of life on Earth. They’ve taken the tiniest slice of planetary history that they could (their own short, pampered, transient lifetimes) and extrapolated doom.

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