In perilous times, who does Biden turn to? Ibram X. Kendi

China is threatening retaliation against the United States because of a visit by Taiwan’s president; Russia kidnapped an American journalist days after shooting down a $32 million American drone; and Brazil is allowing Iran’s warships to port and is now doing business with China strictly on a yuan basis.


In other words, as Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL), chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, put it during a hearing this Wednesday, “The threats we face today are more formidable than at any point in the last 20 years.”

How are the State and Defense Departments responding to such threats? Well, the State Department is meeting with Ibram X. Kendi, the well-known critical race theory consultant who demands that government racially discriminate well into the future, for guidance on world affairs.

[We are ruled by malevolent clowns. ~ Beege]

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